To furnish the varying desires of our customers, we are immersed in offering a world class consignment of 25 Kg Aquamex Gold.
Product Details:-
Aquamex Gold is a complete Aquaculture Zeolite. It contains silicates of sodium, calcium, aluminum and oxides of magnesium and manganese.
The Pond bottom contains waste organic substances and releases gases like ammonia, Sulphur dioxide, hydrogen supplied ete, on application Aquamex Gold it absorbs the all gases with its high cation exchange capacity and keeps the pond bottom clean and helps for better growth of the shrimp & fish.
Benefits of Aquamex Gold
- Absorbs Ammonia Nitrate, Hydrogen Sulphide and other toxic gases from water.
- Increases the dissolved oxygen (D.0) availability in the pond.
- Removal of bad odur from the culture pond and improves water quality.
- Helps in pH value Stabilization.
- Contains micro nutrients, helps in growth promoting of culture species.
DOSAGE: 500g per decimal in pond.